
Profeti della Quinta - Salomone Rossi: Il Mantovano Hebreo - New York Arts

Profeti's program interwove Rossi's music for the Gonzaga court with the music for the synagogue. His instrumental music was not neglected either, so that we got a comprehensive view of Rossi's output in performances of astonishing quality, both technical and expressive-along with a good measure of showmanship and humor, which can't have been out of place in the Gonzaga court. The perfection of Profeti's intonation and ensemble was a joy to listen to in itself, not to mention the most persuasive vehicle this relatively little-known music could have. In addition to their virtues as an ensemble, each member has a vocal and musical character of his own, and their solo work was fully engaging...they seem to be able to charm any audience.

Rossi's music seems best enjoyed in performance, both the music for court and synagogue, and, in performances of this quality. I dearly hope that Profeti della Quinta will return soon, performing Rossi's music in the context of the composers Vincenzo gathered in his court, including the towering Monteverdi.

New York Arts
26 January 2014