
William Berger - Scottish Chamber Orchestra - Hommage a Trois - Opera Now

With its ‘nudge, wink wink' cover and booklet photos suggesting more ménage than homage, this disc turns out to represent three composers - Mozart, Haydn and Cimarosa...[William Berger's] voice is true and the top secure. Just as importantly, he is able to use it to build character and his Count, Giovanni, Guglielmo and Pappageno are all deftly differentiated...he also makes a success of Cimarosa's Il maestro di cappella...Nicholas McGean's conducting is hugely supportive and the Scottish Chamber Orchestra on good form. This disc is a pleasant surprise and, if you'd like a break from the recent crop of releases featuring big names trotting out the usual warhorses, I highly recommend it.

Opera Now
01 February 2014