
Arnie Somogyi's Ambulance - Accident and Insurgency - Independent On Sunday


Arnie Somogyi is a bassist and Ambulance is his quintet of young Brit jazzers augmented by the soigné American trumpeter Eddie Henderson. They play jazz of programmatic bent, in this case arising from time spent on the Suffolk coast in the company of "Mick the Fish", "Lobster Pot 999" and Maggie Hambling's controversial shell sculpture at Aldeburgh. You will not hear the voices of townsfolk raised in choral abuse. What you will hear is elaborate, faintly Wayne Shorter-ish ensemble music, moistened by laptop drizzle. No single voice stands out but the collective effect is sometimes marvellous.

Download this: 'Captain Courageous': skimming stones and falling in

Independent On Sunday
13 January 2008