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- Messe de requiem: IntroïtComposer(s) Pierre de ManchicourtArtist(s) Simon-Pierre Bestion La Tempête
Messe de requiem: Introït
08:33$3.40 - Quis dabit capiti meo aquamComposer(s) Heinrich IsaacArtist(s) Simon-Pierre Bestion La Tempête
Quis dabit capiti meo aquam
06:56$2.30 - Requiem Op. 358: RequiemComposer(s) Olivier GreifArtist(s) Simon-Pierre Bestion La Tempête
Requiem Op. 358: Requiem
05:23$2.30 - Missa Paschalis: KyrieComposer(s) Ludwig SenflArtist(s) Simon-Pierre Bestion La Tempête
Missa Paschalis: Kyrie
04:25$2.30 - Graduel vieux-romain de Santa Cecilia de Trastevere: Kyrie pour la NativitéComposer(s) AnonymousArtist(s) Simon-Pierre Bestion La Tempête
Graduel vieux-romain de Santa Cecilia de Trastevere: Kyrie pour la Nativité
03:35$2.30 - Tre canti sacri: RequiemComposer(s) Giacinto ScelsiArtist(s) Simon-Pierre Bestion La Tempête
Tre canti sacri: Requiem
03:57$2.30 - Missa ex tempore: GloriaComposer(s) Marcel PérèsArtist(s) Simon-Pierre Bestion La Tempête
Missa ex tempore: Gloria
10:35$3.40 - Antiphonaire ambrosien du British Museum: Dixit DominusComposer(s) AnonymousArtist(s) Simon-Pierre Bestion La Tempête
Antiphonaire ambrosien du British Museum: Dixit Dominus
03:50$2.30 - Messe de requiem: SanctusComposer(s) Pedro de EscobarArtist(s) Simon-Pierre Bestion La Tempête
Messe de requiem: Sanctus
04:57$2.30 - Lamentationes hieremiae prophetae: GuimelComposer(s) Marbrianus de OrtoArtist(s) Simon-Pierre Bestion La Tempête
Lamentationes hieremiae prophetae: Guimel
05:36$2.30 - Requiem: AgnusComposer(s) Antoine de FévinArtist(s) Simon-Pierre Bestion La Tempête
Requiem: Agnus
03:57$2.30 - Libera me, DomineComposer(s) Juan de AnchietaArtist(s) Simon-Pierre Bestion La Tempête
Libera me, Domine
08:35$3.40 - Song for AtheneComposer(s) John TavenerArtist(s) Simon-Pierre Bestion La Tempête
Song for Athene
Total running time: 76 minutes.

Album information
Simon-Pierre Bestion and La Tempête present Hypnos, a timeless and mesmerizing program that will lead you into a meditative dimension which stretches across the centuries.
Hypnos, God of Sleep... Simon-Pierre Bestion’s recordings are often inspired by his desire to recreate a ritual. His aim here was to recreate a Requiem service, ‘the ceremony that accompanies the passage of a human being into the hereafter, while supporting the feelings of all who witness it. Making use of all the freedom that this act of re-creation afforded me, I constructed this programme without boundaries between repertories or different musical aesthetics – from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance to the twentieth century – selecting the works for their captivating musical material, their hypnotic and meditative dimension’.
Intonations from Byzantine chant sit alongside guttural voices in Giacinto Scelsi and the English vocal style of John Tavener; Franco-Flemish Renaissance polyphony encounters the influences of eastern or western spiritual traditions present in the contemporary works.