French Connections
French Connections

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- Five Poems of W.H. Auden, Op. 53: No. 1, Lauds (Among the leaves the small birds sing)Composer(s) Lennox BerkeleyArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Five Poems of W.H. Auden, Op. 53: No. 1, Lauds (Among the leaves the small birds sing)
02:15$2.30 - Five Poems of W.H. Auden, Op. 53: No. 2, O lurcher-loving collierComposer(s) Lennox BerkeleyArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Five Poems of W.H. Auden, Op. 53: No. 2, O lurcher-loving collier
02:29$2.30 - Five Poems of W.H. Auden, Op. 53: No. 3, What’s in your mind, my dove, my coneyComposer(s) Lennox BerkeleyArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Five Poems of W.H. Auden, Op. 53: No. 3, What’s in your mind, my dove, my coney
02:42$2.30 - Five Poems of W.H. Auden, Op. 53: No. 4, Eyes look into the wellComposer(s) Lennox BerkeleyArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Five Poems of W.H. Auden, Op. 53: No. 4, Eyes look into the well
02:51$2.30 - Five Poems of W.H. Auden, Op. 53: No. 5, Carry her over the waterComposer(s) Lennox BerkeleyArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Five Poems of W.H. Auden, Op. 53: No. 5, Carry her over the water
01:41$2.30 - Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 1, Bonne journee j’ai revu qui je n’oublie pasComposer(s) Francis PoulencArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 1, Bonne journee j’ai revu qui je n’oublie pas
02:47$2.30 - Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 2, Une ruine coquille videComposer(s) Francis PoulencArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 2, Une ruine coquille vide
02:18$2.30 - Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 3, Le front comme un drapeau perduComposer(s) Francis PoulencArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 3, Le front comme un drapeau perdu
01:05$2.30 - Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 4, Une roulotte couverte en tuilesComposer(s) Francis PoulencArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 4, Une roulotte couverte en tuiles
01:07$2.30 - Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 5, A toutes brides toi dont le fantomeComposer(s) Francis PoulencArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 5, A toutes brides toi dont le fantome
00:39$2.30 - Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 6, Une herbe pauvreComposer(s) Francis PoulencArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 6, Une herbe pauvre
01:39$2.30 - Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 7, Je n’ai envie que de t’aimerComposer(s) Francis PoulencArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 7, Je n’ai envie que de t’aimer
00:59$2.30 - Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 8, Figure de force brulante et faroucheComposer(s) Francis PoulencArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 8, Figure de force brulante et farouche
01:31$2.30 - Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 9, Nous avons fait la nuitComposer(s) Francis PoulencArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Tel jour telle nuit, FP 86: No. 9, Nous avons fait la nuit
03:41$2.30 - FancyComposer(s) Francis PoulencArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
01:49$2.30 - FancieComposer(s) Benjamin BrittenArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
01:03$2.30 - Friendly Persuasions: No. 1, Wanda LandowskaComposer(s) Jake HeggieArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Friendly Persuasions: No. 1, Wanda Landowska
02:50$2.30 - Friendly Persuasions: No. 2, Pierre BernacComposer(s) Jake HeggieArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Friendly Persuasions: No. 2, Pierre Bernac
02:11$2.30 - Friendly Persuasions: No. 3, Raymonde LinossierComposer(s) Jake HeggieArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Friendly Persuasions: No. 3, Raymonde Linossier
03:50$2.30 - Friendly Persuasions: No. 4, Paul EluardComposer(s) Jake HeggieArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Friendly Persuasions: No. 4, Paul Eluard
02:41$2.30 - Bleuet, FP 102Composer(s) Francis PoulencArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
Bleuet, FP 102
03:27$2.30 - The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 1, O my blacke Soule!Composer(s) Benjamin BrittenArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 1, O my blacke Soule!
03:48$2.30 - The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 2, Batter my heartComposer(s) Benjamin BrittenArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 2, Batter my heart
01:23$2.30 - The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 3, O might those sighes and tearesComposer(s) Benjamin BrittenArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 3, O might those sighes and teares
03:33$2.30 - The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 4, Oh, to vex meComposer(s) Benjamin BrittenArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 4, Oh, to vex me
01:10$2.30 - The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 5, What if this presentComposer(s) Benjamin BrittenArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 5, What if this present
03:13$2.30 - The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 6, Since she whom I lovedComposer(s) Benjamin BrittenArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 6, Since she whom I loved
03:13$2.30 - The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 7, At the round earth’s imagined cornersComposer(s) Benjamin BrittenArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 7, At the round earth’s imagined corners
02:39$2.30 - The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 8, Thou hast made meComposer(s) Benjamin BrittenArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 8, Thou hast made me
01:27$2.30 - The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 9, Death, be not proudComposer(s) Benjamin BrittenArtist(s) John Mark Ainsley: tenor, Malcolm Martineau: piano
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne, Op. 35: No. 9, Death, be not proud
Total running time: 69 minutes.

Album information
John Mark Ainsley’s cleverly constructed recital highlights the personal and musical connections of four of the twentieth century’s best song writers: Britten, Poulenc, Heggie and Berkeley.
The breadth of repertoire showcases Ainsley’s range, expansive vocal colour, expressive voice and exceptional understanding of text.
Accompanying Ainsley is Malcolm Martineau, to whom Heggie’s Friendly Persuasions is dedicated. The American composer pays homage to Poulenc with four imaginative songs, each of which recreates in miniature a transformative friendship in Poulenc’s life. In 2008 Ainsley and Martineau gave the world premiere performance of Friendly Persuasions at Wigmore Hall, London.
The recital also includes three works by Poulenc: Fancy, Bleuet and Tel jour telle nuit, a beautifully conceived and shaped cycle; considered Poulenc’s greatest vocal work it is reminiscent of the great cycles of a century earlier such as Winterreise or Dichterliebe. Despite French heritage and fluency in the language Berkeley’s friendship with Britten led him to set verse by the English poet, W.H. Auden instead. His Five Poems are some of the best of their kind; a cohesive and satisfying collection, Berkeley perfectly captures both the fanciful and reflective elements of Auden's poetry. Auden in turn re-introduced Britten to the works of John Donne, which Britten went on to set in his Holy Sonnets; darkly moving and highly demanding, they are among his finest work.