Nun danket alle Gott
Nun danket alle Gott

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- Ach Herr, strafe mich nichtComposer(s) Johann RosenmüllerArtist(s) Stéphanie de Failly Julie Roset Clematis Brice Sailly
Ach Herr, strafe mich nicht
09:40$3.40 - O clemens, o mitis, o coelestis pater, BuxWV 82Composer(s) Dietrich BuxtehudeArtist(s) Stéphanie de Failly Julie Roset Clematis Brice Sailly
O clemens, o mitis, o coelestis pater, BuxWV 82
08:02$3.40 - Ad te clamat cor meumComposer(s) Augustin PflegerArtist(s) Stéphanie de Failly Julie Roset Clematis Brice Sailly
Ad te clamat cor meum
07:02$3.40 - Vulnerasti cor meumComposer(s) Andreas HammerschmidtArtist(s) Stéphanie de Failly Julie Roset Clematis Brice Sailly
Vulnerasti cor meum
04:36$2.30 - Christ lag in Todesbanden (versus 1), WV 3Composer(s) Heinrich ScheidemannArtist(s) Stéphanie de Failly Clematis Brice Sailly
Christ lag in Todesbanden (versus 1), WV 3
02:36$2.30 - Confitebor tibi DomineComposer(s) Claudio MonteverdiArtist(s) Stéphanie de Failly Julie Roset Clematis Brice Sailly
Confitebor tibi Domine
13:47$4.60 - Aus der TieffenComposer(s) Christoph BernhardArtist(s) Stéphanie de Failly Julie Roset Clematis Brice Sailly
Aus der Tieffen
07:48$3.40 - Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe, BuxWV 38Composer(s) Dietrich BuxtehudeArtist(s) Stéphanie de Failly Julie Roset Clematis Brice Sailly
Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe, BuxWV 38
03:35$2.30 - Nun danket alle GottComposer(s) Andreas HammerschmidtArtist(s) Stéphanie de Failly Julie Roset Clematis Brice Sailly
Nun danket alle Gott
Total running time: 62 minutes.
Album information
With its ciaconna bass, Hammerschmidt’s sacred concerto Nun danket alle Gott perfectly exemplifies the programme of this recording devoted to the influences of the Italian Baroque on the works of seventeenth-century Lutheran composers.
The vast majority of the repertory gathered here comes once again from the exceptionally rich library assembled at the end of the seventeenth century by Gustav Düben, organist of the German Church in Stockholm. His collection contains the only known copy of a Confitebor tibi Domine by Claudio Monteverdi. Other composers such as Bernhard and Rosenmüller had very close links with Italy and were among those who helped to disseminate Italian practices in the German-speaking lands.
In all this sacred repertory, the role of instruments, and particularly that of the violin (the emblematic instrument of Italy), is highly developed. The instruments accompany the voice and comment on the texts in most expressive fashion.
This programme also offers a chance to discover some gems by lesser-known composers such as Hanff, Pfleger and Pohle.